Pastor - Rev. Andrew D. Black
Pastor Andrew joined Unity Presbyterian Church in 2005 after serving three United Methodist congregations in central Nebraska. Pastor Andrew is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) by the Presbytery of the Ohio Valley. He has BA in English from Northern Kentucky University and a Masters in Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
Pastor Andrew is Certified in the Prepare & Enrich assessment program to help committed married and premarital couples gain a deeper understanding of dynamics, personality, stress and strength and growth areas in their relationships.
Pastor Andrew is married to Rev. Dawn Black of United Campus Ministries and First Presbyterian Church of Sullivan, IN. They have three children Griffin, Gracen, and Zachary. They also have two cats, Flynn Rider and Khloe, who tolerate the family’s servitude.
Director of Music - Amie Ellison
Organist - Andrea Marlow
Facilities - Amy Burdick
Child Care - Griffin Black